Urban Domus is a Lithuania-based construction service company, founded in 2010.
Urban Domus made a priority to maintain high quality performance in Sweden as it is registered in Sweden tax agency and has all the necessary documentation to perform it’s activity:
“FORA insurance”
“Workers trade union agreement: Byggnads Kollektivavtal.”
With a staff of 40, company’s work is guided by AB 04 and AMA HUS.
Urban Domus is a Lithuania-based construction service company, founded in 2010.
Urban Domus provides opportunity and encouragement to help people reach their potential.
Mutual respect and team work provides the foundation for success. Every step to improvement is respected and taken as a value.
Team leaders are certified with
“BAS U” certificate.
“BAS P” certificate.
Workers are certified with
“ID06” cards.
“SSG” certificate.
“Hot works” certificate.
“Working at height” certificate.
“Lifting equipment operators”